The concept is that of obstacles. Obstacles that we all see in life as impediments to progress. Whatever they might be…. They, if looked at correctly all amount to “Nothing”.
You may have something that you want to do….a goal that you want to achieve…but the majority of people say….”But my spouse doesn’t support me…or I have no background…or I have no money or “fill in the blank”….these obstacles amount to nothing….
1) Because ultimately “nothing” can stand in your way and
2) At a much higher/deeper level…the only one who put obstacles there in the first place…was ourselves.
The truth behind it all is that YOU ( each of us ) creates our own reality. We bring our own fears and beliefs into this creative process….creating our own challenges…..they are nothing…since nothing is there except what you have created.
Understanding that Nothing is really in your way will empower us all ultimately to achieve our true dreams without reservation.